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Obama: Romney Will Turn Medicare Into a Voucher - Presidential Debate
LaBolt: President Obama Strengthened Medicare, Romney Would Turn it into Vouchers
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Debate MediCare, Vouchers, Private Health Insurance
Presidential Debate 2012: President Obama Warns Against Voucher Programs
Obama: 'I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher'
Medicare: Obama, Romney and Ryan trade barbs
Battle to Define Medicare Debate Heats Up
2012 Presidential Debate: Romney Says Only 'Future People' Would Suffer Cuts to Medicare
VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors
Presidential Debate 2012 on Social Security: Candidates Clash Over Vouchers
Senior Answers Mitt Romney on Medicare Vouchers
Obama and Romney Argue Over Raising Revenue - Presidential Debate